Kemnal Road, Chislehurst

Little appears to have changed as far as Foxbury is concerned, but at Kemnal Manor,
there are additional buildings around the main house – mainly nissan huts for the
staff of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, whose HQ was Kemnal
Manor since 1939. There is also the new ‘bunker’, one of four built in the London
area as part of the Civil Defence network, clearly seen by South Lodge. To the west
of this northern end of Kemnal Road, there are new houses and estates, a new
footpath between Slades Drive and Kemnal Manor lodge, and just to the bottom
left a reference to the Scout Hut tucked away off the footpath between Kemnal Road
and Green Lane.
Kemnal Road 1959
Much has changed since the war ended:
• Meadowcroft has gone, and Marlowe Close built,
• The former polo stables are separated from Hoblands, converted and named Woodheath,
• Nizels has divided into three residences,
• South Home has gone, replaced by flats,
• Casa Mia (later Columbine) is built,
• Mulbarton Court has gone but not Barton,
• The stables at Holly Bowers are named Mapledene, and a new property, Forest Ridge, has been built where Eaton Court is today,
• Kemnal Wood is divided into three,
• Westerland has gone, replaced by flats,
• All the lodges, stables and cottages have separate grounds from their houses, clearly sold off,
• Heathfield has been built, extending over land formerly part of Woodlands, renamed Liskeard Lodge.

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